LLC Animation Studio Melnitsa —

The Pooches, Moonzy, The Three Bogatyrs VS counterfeit

Complex brand protection

Project start year: 2016-….

Task and result


The rightholder in the management of licensed business faced the problem of counterfeit in the market of goods and services in the Russian Federation

What we have done

The Pooches, Moonzy, The Three Bogatyrs are included in our constant monitoring program. In case of violation of rights, we will prosecute an unscrupulous merchant to terminate the violation and pay the compensation.


Over 4 years of cooperation, more than 3000 cases have been identified. A set of measures has been taken to terminate the violation. There is a significant decrease in the supply of counterfeit goods. If you are a merchant and you practice supply of counterfeit goods or use images/characters it’s highgtime to stop it otherwise financial losses are inevitable.